The Dedeaux Bazaar.  What more can you say be WET!  Kind of like todays weather actually.  Friday night was suppose to be Aaron Foret Band but it rained all day and the place was nasty and it kept raining into the gig time.  BNP doesn’t give up, we setup a small system so Fantasy Productions and Deuce Entertainment DJ’s could provide some music for the softball players and parishioners attending this event.  Saturday looked a little better and The Back Porch Band and The Country Classics were able to play even though it still rained some.  Sunday well lets back up.  Saturday night we covered gear and we had this bright idea of lets use a 10×10 tent to put over the stacks this way if a little rain comes through we can still have music.  Great idea right?  WRONG!  You’ll see below the picture of destruction during the night when a monsoon came through.  It did however mange to keep the system dry sort of.  The amps were damp and we had to let them dry before powering back on fully, some back-line got wet over all though nothing major was destroyed unless you count the mangled 150.00 tent.  So the last band ended up cancelling anyway but we hung out with everybody and set back up the DJ rig and packed out the rain/mud soaked gear trying to not get the trucks stuck in the mushy mucky mud.

Never fails it always rains at this event.  I can guarantee it!

There is a PA under that somewhere.