I went to work with The Sound Source at the Chackbay, LA Gumbo Festival in Oct.  Three day event with swamp pop bands all day.  It was my first time working with the QSC Wideline system and I have to say I like it.  The weekend went great bands like The Topcats, Don Rich, Van Broussard, Junior and Sumtin Sneaky, and many more performed for the huge crowd.  Now I can’t mention this festival without talking about the food.  WOW… I ate so much that weekend I think I went up 2 pant sizes in one day.  Perfect Gumbo and they had these things called Crawfish Balls, I could literally eat my weight in those.  I’ll be glad to work for Mr. Tim Killbride any day, The Sound Source is LA number one Production company in my mind top notch work.